UnCoupdeMain.org  see AHandUp.org





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Sans abri

Santé mentale



Ile Montréal



Santé mentale

Montreal General Hospital Foundation

The foundation supports:

- Critical Services - 24-hour psychiatry serves, In-Patient Services, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Service;

- Specialized programs: Addictions, McGill University Sexual Identity Centre (MUSIC), Music Therapy, Clinical Psychopharmacology and Therapeutics Unit, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), First Episode Psychosis, Mood Disorders, Personality Disorders, Neuromodulation Unit, Recovery Transition

Homeless Hub - Mental Health

Homelessness, in turn, amplifies poor mental health. The stress of experiencing homelessness may exacerbate previous mental illness and encourage anxiety, fear, depression, sleeplessness, and substance use.

The needs of people with mental illness who experience homelessness are similar to those without mental illnesses: physical safety, education, transportation, affordable housing, and affordable medical and dental treatment.

When providing care to those experiencing homelessness, it is essential to create a non-threatening and supportive atmosphere, address basic needs (e.g., food and shelter), and provide accessible care.

Défiler vers la bas pour voir plus


We are a community organization dedicated to helping people with mental health problems achieve their fullest potential while meeting the challenges of everyday living within their community.

Canada - Mental Health Services

If you're in immediate danger or need urgent medical support, call 9-1-1.

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call or text 9-8-8. Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you're experiencing gender-based violence, you can access a crisis line in your province or territory.


AMI-Quebec Action on Mental Illness is a non-profit organization that helps families manage the effects of mental illness through support, education, guidance, and advocacy.

Site copyright © 2022-2024 by Barbra Hudson.

Courriel: barbra@uncoupdemain.org

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