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Virginia - Eviction Diversion Pilot Program

Code of Virginia

Article 7. Eviction Diversion Pilot Program.

§ 55.1-1260. (Expires July 1, 2024) Establishment of Eviction Diversion Pilot Program.


Marketplace - Inside Philadelphias EDP

In about an hour, they worked out a deal. Brown (the tenant) had already applied for emergency rental assistance from the city. Until it came through and she could pay off her debt, Attas would lower the rent from $850 to $700. They also agreed to split the cost of the outstanding water bill, and Attas would make repairs.

Attas (the landlord) said he prefers mediation too. For one thing, evictions are expensive, he said. “I think businesswise, it is the right thing to do,” Attas said. “We should keep the tenant in the home.”


Philadelphia - EDP Targeted Financial Assistance Instructions

Instructions for Philadelphians on how to apply for rental diversion and financial assistance programs.


Las Vegas Justice Court Receives 1.25 Million Eviction Diversion Grant

Las Vegas Justice Court will use the grant funds to establish a summary eviction diversion program with a mission to provide a judicially supervised initiative that utilizes CARE Teams, community partnerships, and stakeholder collaborations to address the holistic needs of individuals and families at risk of eviction or housing instability by identifying creative housing solutions and connecting those individuals to resources, services and housing assistance, thereby avoiding preventable evictions and reducing costs associated with evictions.


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RHLS - Achieving Housing Stability With Eviction Diversion Programs

It is not just the number of evictions that is creating the crisis. An eviction is much more than a move across town; it is a life altering event that negatively affects many aspects of the tenant’s life. Once a tenant has an eviction on their record, their ability to find a new home is severely limited.3 They will often end up in poorer quality housing at a higher rent. Too often evicted tenants become homeless.


Indiana Supreme Court - EDP

Order Amending Pre-Eviction Diversion Program

On October 22, 2021, this Court established the statewide pre-eviction diversion program, effective November 1, 2021. Even as resources have evolved over time, parties coming to Indiana’s courts on eviction matters must still be referred to all available resources to help them achieve the best outcomes for their situation. To ensure parties can access all available resources, this Court now amends the pre-eviction diversion program as follows, effective September 19, 2022, and until further notice from this Court: ...


Virginia Eviction Diversion Program - Final Report

This Final Report gives an overview of the requirements for the Pilot and the Virginia eviction process.

It also looks at the effectiveness of other states’ legislation and efforts to reduce evictions, provides an updated analysis on the status of eviction rates in Virginia ...


Michigan - Eviction Diversion Program

Links to Michigan's Eviction Diversion Program


Texas Judicial Branch - Supreme Court Reflects On Completion Of Texas EDP

The TEDP not only benefitted the recipients but kept courts moving as judges were able to dismiss eviction cases from their dockets while the participants received assistance.


Eviction Lab - Eviction Diversion Preventing Eviction Before Going To Court

Since November 2020, more than 8,000 Chicagoans have received support for evictions and related issues through a hotline. Another 1,000 people have received legal services or mediation as they face an eviction case in court, part of Cook County’s Legal Aid for Housing and Debt Initiative. This new eviction diversion initiative seeks to keep people housed by finding solutions to disputes between renters and landlords and avoiding court-mandated evictions during the pandemic.


Urban Institute - Diverting Eviction-Related Cases Away From Courts

Precourt eviction diversion programs, which are “designed to divert cases from formal legal proceedings via negotiation, mediation, or arbitration, often in combination with legal assistance or other supports”.


North Carolina - Eviction Diversion Program

The Orange County Eviction Diversion Program offers:

Free legal advice about housing issues

Free representation in court for people in eviction proceedings


District Of Columbia Courts - Eviction Diversion Program

The DC Courts' Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) helps landlords and tenants who have a case filed in Landlord and Tenant Court. The EDP provides access to services that can help landlords and tenants resolve their cases as quickly and fairly as possible.


WHYY - Phillys Heralded Eviction Diversion Program Is Considered A Win - For Most

Established by city ordinance, the pandemic-inspired program is guided by one goal: To settle disagreements between landlords and tenants outside of court and without an eviction filing, which can make it harder for tenants to secure safe and affordable housing in the future, even if a judge rules in their favor.


State Of Texas - Eviction Diversion Program

The TEDP uses a special court process that allows courts to put eviction lawsuits on hold and divert them to the TEDP. Under the TEDP, lump sum payments are provided to landlords for rental arrears in exchange for allowing tenants to remain in their homes and forgiving late fees.

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