ActualitéesNextcity - Philly EDP
Instead of threatening eviction, however, Natasha’s building manager did something
that, just a few years ago, wouldn’t have been an option in Philadelphia: She
referred Natasha to Philadelphia’s Eviction Diversion Program (EDP), a collaboration
between the City, legal support groups, housing counseling nonprofits, landlord
advocacy organizations and others. It helps tenants at risk of being evicted go
through mediation with their landlords to come up with a solution to keep people
housed - and landlords paid. | | ÉvincementsPhilly EDP Includes Targeted Financial Assistance (2023-01-31) The City of Philadelphia’s FREE Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) helps
landlords and tenants resolve disputes and avoid going to court. EDP
facilitates satisfactory and sustainable landlord-tenant agreements through
mediation or supported direct negotiation. | | ÉvincementsLegal Aid NC - Durham EDP The Durham Eviction Diversion Program is a partnership of our Durham office,
Duke Law’s Civil Justice Clinic and the Durham Department of Social Services.
The program uses tenant education, legal advocacy and rental assistance to
prevent evictions and increase housing security for low-income renters in
Durham County.
ÉvincementsOrange County - Rental Assistance Programs The Orange County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is an income-based
program aimed at helping Orange County’s most vulnerable tenants by providing
financial assistance to tenants who are past-due on their rent as a result of
financial hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
| | ÉtudesHousing Matters - Lessons Designing Local Eviction Programs This article examines the federal government’s role in promoting mortgage foreclosure
mediation programs during the Great Recession and how this model can be applied to
eviction programs. The researcher examines literature related to the Troubled Asset
Relief Program and Home Affordable Modification Program, the role of the Federal
Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), and eviction research to suggest policy recommendations
for developing strong eviction diversion programs.
| | ÉvincementsPinellas Eviction Diversion Program Our Mission
PEDP combats homelessness caused by eviction through engaging in collobarative
and innovative programming and services to benefit both tenants and landlords.
Our Vision
A community where unplanned, unforeseen financial hardship causes the least
disruption to housing stability and neighborhood preservation. |
ÉvincementsPhilly Tenant - What Is The Eviction Diversion Program The Eviction Diversion Program can be good for tenants because attending
eviction court is often stressful and may end with you being evicted
AND getting a judgment on your record. Many landlords also want to
participate in the program to avoid paying costly attorney and filing fees,
attending hearings and evicting tenants. In addition, some tenants may
be eligible for Targeted Financial Assistance (TFA). | | LoisPhiladelphia Legislation - Eviction Diversion Program The Department of Planning and Development,
or such other City department or office as the Mayor may designate, is authorized to continue
operating a pre-filing residential eviction diversion program to facilitate dispute
resolution between landlords and tenants or acquisition of rental assistance, if available.
Landlords shall enroll in the eviction diversion program by completing an application or in
such other manner as directed by the Department.
| | ActualitéesWHYY - Program Limits Number Of Eviction Filings Between 2012 and 2018, Philadelphia averaged more than 25,000 eviction filings
each year, according to data compiled by the Eviction Lab at Princeton University.
Between June 2022 and June 2023, the city recorded less than 15,000 filings.
One of the main reasons: Philadelphia’s mandatory Eviction Diversion Program.
ÉvincementsNJ - Eviction Legal Assistance Program June 26 2023 The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA) today
announced a Comprehensive Court Eviction Defense and Diversion (CCED)
program in all court vicinages in New Jersey. Under the program,
low-income households at risk of eviction can access legal services and
experienced caseworkers, known as resource navigators, for a wrap-around
defense against housing displacement. On the announcement, Network
President and Chief Executive Officer Staci Berger issued the following statement:
| | ÉvincementsRichmond - Eviction Diversion Program City of Richmond Eviction Diversion Program
| | AutreMedium - Opposition From NY-Based Attorney Groups “The Legal Aid Society and tenant attorney groups are showing their true colors.
Instead of working to reduce evictions, they want to perpetuate a system that
encourages more eviction filings in housing court,” CHIP Executive Director
Jay Martin said. “When 90 percent of housing court cases are brought by the
housing provider for non-payment, and the groups opposing ways to reduce that
number are tenant attorneys, it clearly shows they have no interest in lessening
the hardship for their clients for fear of reducing their own need.” |
LoisPhiladelphia - 2023 Housing Legislation Legislation passed by the council of the city of Philadelphia,
including funding for eviction programs. | | ActualitéesNYT - How Philadelphia Kept Thousands Of Tenants From Being Evicted Under this program, if a tenant owes less than $3,000 in back rent, landlords must
try mediation in good faith before eviction. If after 30 days the two sides cannot
come to an agreement or a tenant has not shown up to mediation, the landlord can
go to court to enforce the eviction. The result seems to be a boon for both parties:
Tenants stay in their homes, while landlords are paid.
| | ÉvincementsTeam Kentucky - Eviction Diversion Program A COVID-Era program designed to keep people housed:
- Divert court evictions and keep Kentucky renters housed.
- Allow landlords to receive payments for back rent for tenants allowed to remain in their units.
- Provide renters that are ultimately evicted the ability to acquire alternative housing.
- Avoid the sizeable and long-term public costs of mass evictions and homelessness.