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Alaska Court System - Eviction Diversion Program

Landlords and tenants can mediate with each other. Mediation is a way to get help in working out your dispute. A neutral person, called the mediator, leads the mediation and helps landlords and tenants.


US Treasury - Eviction Diversion

Efforts by ERA grantees are sometimes complementary to broader eviction diversion programs. These efforts play an important function in cases where the landlord had already started eviction proceedings. In addition to expediting ERA applications, they often prevent evictions by utilizing the support of legal service professionals and mediators in interventions at the early stages of the court process. ERA grantees have also found court data helpful for informing targeted outreach efforts to landlords and/or high-need geographic areas.


Delaware General Assembly - Senate Bill 1

Section 2 of this Act authorizes the creation of a residential eviction diversion program modeled after the Superior Court’s Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program.

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NCSC - Eviction Diversion Best Practices

The gold standard eviction diversion program will build in multiple entry points both before and after filing, creating the maximum number of opportunities for landlords and tenants to engage with the program prior to their court hearing. There are many benefits to resolving a housing dispute before the case is filed; however, with a multiphase program, even if a landlord and tenant are unable to access program resources or to resolve their dispute before filing, they still have opportunities to use program resources as the case moves forward.


Texas Judicial Branch - Eviction Diversion Program

The TEDP is a voluntary program that permits eligible landlords and tenants to agree upon a resolution to the issues raised in an eviction case. If eligibility requirements are met, past due rent obligations and utility delinquencies may be eligible to be covered in full and the eviction case dismissed.


City Of Durham - Eviction Diversion

The Eviction Diversion Program is administered by Legal Aid of North Carolina, and provides legal representation to low-income residents of Durham who are facing eviction. The goal of the Eviction Diversion Program is to help clients avoid eviction judgements and, when possible, to enable clients to remain in their current homes.


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LSE - Newhams Housing First Pilot Project

In 2018, the London Borough of Newham (LBN) commissioned LSE Housing and Communities to undertake an evaluation of their “Housing First” pilot project.


PHL - Eviction Diversion Program

The City of Philadelphia’s FREE Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) ... provides resources for landlords and tenants in residential rental properties to resolve issues while avoiding a costly or drawn-out court process. Per City Ordinance # 220655, landlord good faith participation in EDP is required before seeking a legal eviction through court. Resources may include mediation and funding that covers tenant’s rent arrears.

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Eviction Innovation - Eviction Diversion Programs

One of the most popular types of eviction prevention efforts are Eviction Diversion Programs. This model involves incentivizing tenants and landlords to enter a mediation program to come to a mutually acceptable agreement outside of court.


The Register Guard - Eugene Officials Approve First Phase

The city will create and fund a rental housing navigator position. The person in that role will help expand and manage data collection on rentals, enforce protections and provide other support services, which could include a tenant hotline, risk mitigation funding and eviction diversion.


Ingram County - Eviction Diversion Program

In operation since 2012, it handles 300-400 cases per year in the Mason, Michigan area.

The 55th District Court Eviction Diversion Program is a collaborative program between the court and social service organizations to settle landlord/tenant disputes without a court hearing. The goal of the program is to keep tenants in their domicile while getting landlords the money owed to them.


HUD - Feasibility Of National Eviction Database

The Joint Explanatory Statement and the House Committee Report supporting the 2021 Appropriations Act directed the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to study the feasibility of creating an evictions database, including collecting information on three types of evictions ...


The Guardian - Evictions Can Kill

Early in 2022, Dr Yan Li, a Yale graduate with a biostatistics doctorate, found herself suffering from the effects of bipolar disorder and unable to pay the homeowner’s association fees for her San Diego apartment. Instead of being met with support and resources, Li was fatally shot by law enforcement officials while being evicted from her home.


Des Moines Register - Wells Fargo Commits 650 000

The grant is the largest the company is making to any single eviction prevention program nationally. It will help fund Iowa Legal Aid's Eviction Diversion Project, which provides legal services and rent assistance for Iowans who face losing their homes.

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NCSC - Eviction Diversion Outreach Strategies

Across the country, eviction dockets tend to have low appearance rates, and in many jurisdictions fewer than half of tenants appear to court. Boosting appearance rates is crucial to the success of any diversion program; program resources cannot work if litigants cannot access them. Courts should use every existing touchpoint with litigants as an opportunity to inform and encourage participation in a diversion program, in addition to looking for new opportunities to reach both landlords and tenants earlier in the process.

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